Since 2015, AirDNA has been the leading provider of data and insights for the $140 billion travel and lodging industry.
From our humble beginnings as four people in a Californian garage, AirDNA has sky-rocketed and now represents around 100 employees across its offices in Denver, Colorado; Barcelona, Spain; and remotely around the world.
When the pandemic hit in 2020, we realized that what people needed now more than ever was data, and we developed future-looking reports to help the industry understand what was going on in an uncertain climate. We weathered the storm and had no layoffs in 2020, and in 2021 we grew our team even faster to expand all departments, but especially sales, engineering, and the more recently-formed account management team.
In March 2022, we announced our strategic partnership with Alpine Investors, which empowers us to expand our team and our range of data solutions, developing even more unmissable tools across multiple industries, including hospitality and real estate.
Where we're from
Our international team is made up of over 20 nationalities, and we are not afraid of time or cultural differences. Between our twin offices and worldwide team, we always find time to connect.

Meet our data dogs

of our employees would recommend AirDNA as a great place to work
of our employees said they feel respected by their colleagues
feel their work contributes directly to AirDNA's goals